pmr has been a pioneer in Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution since 2005. pmr benefits from the concrete experience of more than 30 years of its founders. Today, pmr is a team of multidisciplinary and multilingual mediators and trainers.

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  • “It was a real pleasure to continue the training. Your dynamism and your courses are always a boost in professional life. Would not change a thing.”


  • “It is important for me to thank you for your kindness, your patience, your creativity and your great humanity, in addition to your excellent work.”


  • “Thank you for all the work done with you to find an amicable solution in the context of my divorce. A compromise was finally reached, and this one is, I am convinced, the fruit of all the meetings that you have carried out smoothly beforehand. Many thanks for your professionalism”



pmr provides training in conflict prevention, management and resolution, interactive and practical, led by experienced professionals, with a focus on interpersonal skills

Accredited mediation training

PMR is approved as a Training Centre in Civil and Commercial Mediation, a Training Centre in Labour Law Mediation, a Training Centre in Family Mediation, and a Training Centre in Mediation with Public Authorities.

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Conflict Management Training

The conflict is latent but it is not referred to the Courts. Internal resources trained to Conflict Management Tools are used.

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Conflict Prevention Training

Preventing a conflict or a difficulty requires taking an interest in the needs of individuals and knowing how to be creative to find the right way to meet them.

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Next date

Current Month

08nov(nov 8)09:3004apr(apr 4)18:30Spécialisation en médiation familiale(november 8) 09:30 - (april 4) 18:30(GMT+01:00) Rue Dodonée 113

10dec(dec 10)09:3015may(may 15)18:30Spécialisation en médiation sociale et interventions en entreprises(december 10) 09:30 - (may 15) 18:30(GMT+01:00) Rue Dodonée 113

17mar09:3017nov17:30Formation complète en médiation : Module de Base et Spécialisation en médiation civile et commerciale(march 17) 09:30 - (november 17) 17:30(GMT+01:00) Rue Dodonée 113

You would you like to be trained as a mediator? Have you already completed our foundation course?


PMR offers conflict coaching, facilitation and mediation services by a multidisciplinary and multilingual team.


Our mediators are approved by the Federal Mediation Commission, as independent and impartial neutral third parties, who establish a framework that allows the parties to collaborate in the search for an innovative solution that meets their needs, thus putting an end to their conflict in a respectful manner, saving time and cost.

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Conflict Coaching

It’s not always easy to sit around the table with the other person(s) with whom we perceive a problem, a tension, which is not the same as saying that there is nothing that can be done.

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Intervention in companies

Our pmr facilitators, trained in conflict prevention, management and resolution, systemic tools and collective intelligence, defuse internally recurring difficulties or an emerging conflict to allow the organisation and its members to continue their respective path and objectives in a serene and effective way.

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